

id 选择器可以为标有特定 id 的 HTML 元素指定特定的样式。 id 选择器以 "#" 来定义。 下面的两个 id 选择器,第一个可以定义元素的颜色为红色,第二个定义元素的颜色为绿色: #red {color:red;} #green {color:green;} 下面的 HTML 代码中,id 属性为 red 的 p 元素显示为红色

A small change can become a major undertaking if the style has been applied to many pages across the site. Embedded Styles How to use HTML "id" inside your CSS files. As you should know "id" is just an HTML attribute that can be used for several options. One of these options is to properly identify elements inside your HTML documents that later can be styled u sing CSS. Create a connection to style your id 2010-02-22 Google HTML/CSS Style Guide 1 Background. This document defines formatting and style rules for HTML and CSS. It aims at improving collaboration, code quality, and enabling supporting infrastructure. It applies to raw, working files that use HTML and CSS, including GSS files. The HTML